Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cheshire High School Honor Roll

Congrats to students making the honor roll. Of the seniors making the highest level, all dozen students were female less one or two males. I am all for equal opportunity, but seems odd that the boys arent striving as hard. The Curmudgeons theory is video games may be a cause.

Republican State Convention

Went to the Convention on Friday. Good experience.

Congrats to winners. Winsleys talk was great.

Sort of a long day, After hearing lots of speaches on lower taxes, sort of numbs enthusiasm.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Nationalized Legal Coverage

The DC crowd nationalized Healthcare because it was "too expensive". No one can argue legal costs are outrageous, using the same logic, we should nationalize legal services. They won't, because it is about loss of freedom rather than inability to pay.

We get a good value from modern medicine, not so from the legal community.