Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chris Hussein Murphy

Both are lawyers Both are young Both have no real world experience Both believe they are monarchs Both want to grow government Both want to restrict freedoms Both hate the second amendment Both think taxes have no consequences Both do not know the meaning of humble So they ought to share the same name

Magazine Capacity

To consider, many police and self defense situations using pistols, need to hit assalants multiple times, and often bad guys run away with these lethal wounds. A lethal hit is not an instant stop hit, despite Hollywoods artisry. If bad guys work in groups, and figure for some misses, five or six shots per assailant is likely. A pistol limited to ten would be empty prior to holding off a home invasion.


So if this immigation package goes through, how much extra will we pay in education, section 8 housing, healthcare etc. Does any one believe the 11 million is a real number? Not really a reliable adminstration for facts.


BHO "Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time," Hilarious, reminiscent of Eddie Murphy in Coming to America Prince Akeem: Sir, did you happen to catch the professional football contest on television last night? Cleo McDowell: No, I didn't. Prince Akeem: Oh sir, the Giants of New York took on the Packers of Green Bay. And in the end, the Giants triumphed by kicking an oblong ball made of pigskin through a big "H". It was a most ripping victory. Cleo McDowell: Son. Prince Akeem: Yes? Cleo McDowell: If you want to keep working here, stay off the drugs. Prince Akeem: Yes. Anyone who participates will say "shoot skeet" or "shoot some clays", but "do skeet shooting"? Come on, he is a big fat liar, err, I mean a skinny liar.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Boy Scouts

Call the BSA and tell them to stand up to the challenge. The BSA board meets next week, 972-580-2000 is the number.

High School

Some mid terms at the high school are done as part of a group. Education theory makers are off the mark here.

Border Fence

Private property owners could build a fence on their land. If there was a foundation to fund this, i am sure the donation cash would flow in. No action will happen in DC on this matter, so lets do it ourselves.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Republicans believe everyday is July 4rth, Democrats believe every day is April 15.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Support S&W

Rahm Emmanual sent a letter to TD Bank asking them to reconsider their credit line with Smith & Wesson. Here is the email link to send a comment opposing his position.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Email Portal to CT Representative Committee on School Safety You can email all on the committee through this page through one address. I could have saved lots of work as i emailed my safety list manually last night to most mebers.

CT Statistics

The Cheshie Patch published percentages of homes with permits. Cheshire, as in most towns, has a rate of one in twenty. Rural ownership is one in ten This is a huge number. Not the one nut job in a hundred the media likes to assume. Any magazine restriction will affect this large number of people. Assuming they have modern handguns.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Newtown Police Report

Wouldn't make sense to see what is in the Newtown police report before deciding how to address the cause?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Protection of Women

Best speech in Hartford is the role of firearms in protecting women from attack. The speaker told of scary situations that firearm save women. Rally was good. Cold but not as cold as Valley Forge. Peter Lumajs story was a compeling reason an armed citezenry is crucual.

Friday, January 18, 2013


ResQMe™ is a unique portable safety device that goes on your key chain. This innovative tool allows people to escape from being trapped in vehicles. Good innovation from good people. California based.

School Safety-Common Sense 101

Here are things for School safety that should be in process. Feel free to share with school boards and lawmakers. These will do more to stop copycats than anything. Physical Upgrades, economical. 1. Lexan windows on doors and certain windows. 2. Entry bars. 3. Concrete anti-car barriers (single flower pots) at doors with risk of vehicle intrusion. 4. Heavy duty doors and locks in each classroom. 5. Sirens to mimic police en route panic buttons in various locations. With smart phone activation option. Physical Upgrades, capital intensive 1. Double entry doors (airlock style) to reduce risk of follow in entry on main entry point. 2. Concrete barriers at playground entry points to eliminate high speed approach to yard. Not full walling off. 3. Classroom door locks, with remote activation from office 4. Software to show hallway activity on classroom TV screens in cases of emergency. 5. Outdoor exits from each room. 6. Bullet proof partitions or desks in office. 7. Gunshot recognition systems with auto lock down and shooter location mapping shown on TVs. Training 1. Instruction on remaining quiet in safe rooms, like bathrooms. 2. Teacher security training. 3. Taser availability by staff. Legal Changes 1. Parental concealed carry allowed on school property. 2. Staff conceal carry.

Gun Appreciation Day

If you are a Patriot, attendence is mandatory. Noon Hartford Sat Jan 19 at noon at the Capitol building. Be there or at rally in your state. Call everyone you know! Legistalator watch the turnout! Drones formerly known as the media, pay attention. This is an issue that crosses party lines. There will be lots or Dems and union guys there. Ct Curmudgeon is going in business casual attire, to media there iis no gun owner stereo type.

CT Curmudgeon is Back!

Washington and Hartford are so bad, CTC is complede to write again. My heart aches for Newtown. More onthan that later. Notice how BHO mispronounced Newtown as Newton at his first press conference. Sure he cares. They are coming out swinging. God help us. Time to get active freedom lovers.